Liebster award!

The blogger over at Alternative Hypothesis has nominated me for a Liebster blog award! Four other great blogs were also honored, so I recommend that you check those out.

I’ve never won anything *sniff*

The Liebster award is a way for bloggers to help each other out by spreading the word about their blogs. The rules for this award are:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated your blog by linking back to them (see above).
  2. Nominate 5 other blogs (with less than 200 followers each, though I’m not entirely sure how to estimate this) and post a comment on their sites.
  3. Copy & Paste the award on your blog.
  4. Hope that the 5 you nominate will keep the cycle going to spread all that good blogging karma!

Okay, so here are my five nominees:

  1. The Skeptical Moth writes about bugs, science news, and important issues at the intersection between science and everything else.
  2. Glacial Till. I know nothing about geology, but this site is helping.
  3. Empirical Zeal is an all-around awesome science blog, from physics to biology. Always accurate and always interesting (he’s also been a finalist for the 3 Quarks Daily Science Prize). I think he may have more than 200 followers, but, well, I’m still putting this blog on the list 🙂
  4. hectocotyli: sex and smut, for science. There haven’t been any new posts recently, but maybe this will prompt some blogging!
  5. The JAYFK (Journal of are You F*cking Kidding) writes science sarcasm, pointing out science-related absurdity wherever it may be.


6 thoughts on “Liebster award!

  1. Pingback: Some Liebster Award Lovin’ | Glacial Till

    • Sorry! After I added you, I noticed that 450 people ‘liked’ you on Facebook, so I figured you were well out of the 200 followers range! But I still really like your blog 🙂

  2. Oh, I missed the <200 followers caveat. On tumblr I have a considerably larger number of followers than that, so I'm willing to concede. Besides, I love some of the blogs you listed, and they really ought to post some new stuff already. 🙂

  3. Hi Brooke! Thanks for the nomination. It’s been a crazily busy semester, packed with research and teaching, but I’m hoping to get back to writing REAL soon.

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